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Ashtanga Yoga with Dylan Bernstein in El Gouna, Red Sea, Egypt

Dylan joyfully joins the Gouna community for 2 weeks in February. He'll be here to share from decades of practice and teaching experience. His goal is to empower you to enjoy stable yoga practice anytime, anywhere.

Morning Mysore: Sunday- Friday 8am -10am

At The Shala- KBC

Ashtanga is a practice that one keeps returning to, day by day, going deeper and deeper. Learning the practice in a traditional way, in the Mysore-style class, gives each practitioner a chance to work at their own pace. Dylan will help beginners learn the vital fundamentals step-by-step. Re-starters are certainly most welcome to come and find a supportive, comfortable environment to again take up the practice. Experienced practitioners, and teachers, will certainly find benefit from Dylan's unique approach and careful lifetime study. Mysore classes will be offered from Sundays to Thursdays.

On Friday Feb 4, we'll be looking at the standing postures, fluidly switching from workshopping details to flowing at a friendly pace. This class will be sure to look at the finishing inversions and the importance of going upsidedown. All postures will be given with modifications as needed, to develop your own comfortable and sustainable practice.

On Friday, Feb.11, we'll take the chance to explore a traditional led class, counted in Sanskrit. No one will be asked to do more than they are comfortable with!

Evening Workshops: 5-7 pm

At Beach Monkeyz- Makani Beach

The evening workshops are open for all practitioners and walk-ins are welcome to attend.

Wednesday, Feb. 2: Surfing the Breath & Foundational Alignment

How the breath moves the body is key to Dylan. Come learn bandha, breath and the essential movements. This is a deep dive into what matters most in our daily practice. We'll also micro-detail the alignment for building towards jump-backs and the vinyasa positions we use the most.

Monday, Feb. 7: Prana and Meditation

We must never think of yoga as being only asana, or based around postures. This workshop will offer a variety of techniques for sitting and centering: from the ancient tantra teachings of the Vijnana Bhairava, through Buddhist techniques and pranayama breathing exercises.

Wednesday Feb. 9: Back bending, Spinal Extension and Spinal Health

Everyone's spine is different. Let's look at the approaches that will work best for you. Backbending is a vital aspect of our sadhana, giving us a cleared pathway for breath, prana and awareness. Spinal extension should not be taken lightly nor practiced overly hardly. We'll look to find a personal balance that is just right.

Sunday Feb. 13: Hip Openers and Meditative Acceptance

Our last afternoon session will find us grounding deeply. Any and all final thoughts and questions will be most welcome. We'll again explore some refreshing sitting techniques. Dylan hopes to impart inspiration for continuing a regular yoga practice, grounded in self-love, care and acceptance.  

Dylan Bernstein was fortunate enough to be introduced to yoga and meditation in 1989. A lifelong interest in Asian philosophy, culture and poetics brought him to reside in Asia, where he has maintained his home base since 2001.  Dylan has a master’s degree in Buddhist studies, was authorised to teach Ashtanga by the Shri K. Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute in 2012 and is EYRT-500 certified by Yoga Alliance. A student of teaching techniques, Dylan has a background in pedagogy and cognitive development. His classes are designed to put students into direct contact with their own true internal teachers. Yoga has never been limited to asana for Dylan and yet he values the critical role that the physical practice can play in bringing light to one’s whole being.  Dylan is delighted to reach out to yoga communities worldwide. He has helped to build bustling, supportive and ongoing Mysore groups in Hong Kong, Istanbul and Bali. In addition to running stable Ashtanga programs, he has taught workshops and high-level immersions in dozens of locations worldwide. He is currently teaching more selectively, on retreat more and often wandering Africa, running philosophy courses online and writing.