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My Imagination, My Super-Power

Creative workshop for children ages 6+

with Sarah El Sawi

I have a little secret to share with you. Did you know that you have a super-power?! Not many people talk about it because most adults have forgotten their power or don't quite understand it. Its called an IMAGINATION! You are using it everyday and sometimes you don't even realise it. Would you like to understand how it really works? In this 3 hour workshop, we will read books, we will move and we will get pretty creative as we learn about the power of our imagination and how a thought is a whole lot more than we think. If you are 6 years or older, don't mind getting a little messy and are curious, join us. Don't forget to bring your super-hero cape!


What you will receive

 - An understanding of your super-power: the power of thought

- An understanding of how we already use our imagination in our day to day life and how we can use it to make interesting art

- Learn ways in which art can help us understand our feelings and what we experience

- Drawings and jars that we will create and craft together that will serve as reminders for later 

- Juice, a small snack and a good feeling! 


This workshop is divided into 3 areas

- Movement exercises: Icebreakers, 15 min yoga, exercise to demonstrate how thoughts create feelings.

- Book reading of "What is a Thought" by Jack Pransky and Amy Kahofer and fun discussion about how our thinking and imagination is involved in creating our experience of life.

- Creative drawing and crafts: How we can use our imagination to make interesting art and to understand our emotions. 


About my experience and training

I'm a visual artist with a passion for the healing arts. This workshops is a combination of my different areas of training as a visual artist, Three Principles practitioner and yoga student put together. The Three Principles is an understanding that points to the thought-created nature of our reality and has been very beneficial in helping both children and adults find their wellbeing and a more relaxed and grounded approach to life. To learn more about this understanding you can visit

Spaces are limited to 8 children. All materials are included. Please sign up to book a spot and receive more information.

Fee: LE 250